Latest News - School Council
A team of P7 pupils represented our school at the Credit Union Quiz in Portadown on Friday night. They had tough competition against a number of primary schools in the area. We are delighted to announce that they were the overall winners!!!
They are now through to the next stage in Armagh in March. The team were so happy with the win and we, as teachers in the audience were so proud. 😊
This week we had a visit from Mrs McClelland’s teddies. We found out that Morgan, the biggest teddy is 14 years old, Ted the smallest teddy is 2 years old and Bert, the middle sized teddy is the 45 years old!
Bert and Mrs Heare’s teddy, Donald, got on like a house on fire.
Have a look at our photos
In Hart Haven we have been very busy working together, helping each other and being kind friends. We have enjoyed lots of activities together including feeding the birds, creating kindness snowflakes, making a comfortable home for our our Ollie owl puppet. He is a very wise owl who is helping us to make wise choices everyday.
Here are some pictures from the past two months for the P7's to look at, in case they start to miss school.
I hope you all have an amazing break!
Mr. Lossy and Miss McAdam
Well done to Daniel and Sally on reaching their Accelerated Reading target.📖
Excellent Mathletics work completed by our Certificate winner. ➗➖✖️➕
Congratulations to Nadia on winning the GTBG raffle prize. 🐸
Eilidh and Cristavao wear our Class Award winners.
We had an exciting day, dressing up as pirates and teaming up with P3WA for iZak9 challenges, PE with Captain Steve and a treasure hunt outside. We boarded each others classrooms to show off our costumes and practise our best pirate talk. It was a day full of fun and adventure!
We also had an A-MAZ-ING day with our Pirate fun day!!!
We had a pirate parade, a talk like a pirate session, IZAK9 numeracy pirate tasks, pirate PE with Coach Steve and a treasure hunt. Mrs White and Mrs Flavelle had great fun too.
Please look at our photos...
We have been working hard on IMPS - Investigative Maths and Problem-Solving.
Lots of discussion and communication were needed, as well as using our thinking skills!
We had to explain how we worked each one out too, which was very impressive. ⭐️👏
We loved having Morgan, Bert and Ted to visit today!
They gave us the opportunity for lots of discussion.
We compared them and decided if they were old or new and why. We looked at their shapes and sizes and how they were made. We then wrote about them.
We got a chance to have a feel and a cuddle!
P5D have been learning the names and properties of 3D shapes in Numeracy this week. They completed a variety of different activities in class to help with their knowledge and understanding.
They reminded us of the importance of having a healthy, balanced lifestyle - an equal balance of food and fitness.
We were helped to understand why we need to eat some dairy foods. We also got to take part in a fantastic Food and Fitness rap😀
We had our first 'Healthy Me' workshop today with Laura from Action Mental Health.
We talked about lot of interesting facts, including how our mood can be and how it can change. We also discussed the importance of good physical health, to help to have a good mental health. We learned a new technique to calm us callled 'Rollercoaster Breathing'.
Wishing our February prefects all the best!
Well done to our Mathletics Certificate winners.
Congratulations to Freddie on reaching your Accelerated Reader target and choosing a prize.
Well done to our stars of the week.
Cristavao won the raffle for attendance in the Key Stage 2 Celebration Assembly!!! He won a Spar voucher 😊
We were also learning about instructions and made playdough. Luckily we are all brilliant at following instructions or we might have gotten into a sticky mess!
We had great fun in P2H today when Mr Frizzell popped in with his favourite teddy, Polly the Pig. We were able to ask him lots of interesting questions and found out that his granny bought it for him in Portadown when he was about our age! We then wrote about his teddy during Literacy time.
We had Mrs Lee as a guest in our assembly this morning, She talked about a new programme we will be focusing on in school, called TREK.
The T stands for Trust and she reminded us of the importance of trust in all our relationships and in school life.
Well done to all our January certificate winners. 🎉
We wish our February prefects all the best.⭐️
Well done to Cristovao, from P7MM who was drawn out in the attendance raffle and won a voucher to spend in Spar. All pupils who were in school every day in January were included in the raffle. 😊
We had a visit from the PSNI to talk to us all about keeping safe. They talked with us about 'Stranger Danger' and that they are there to help us. They also told us about the importance of wearing a helmet when on our bikes/ scooters. We had great fun sitting in the police car and watching the flashing lights and listening to the siren.
Wow, we did it again.... P3WA have achieved Mathlete of the month for the 3rd time this year!
This is a huge achievement and I am so proud of each boy and girl for taking part so often.
Please keep up this great effort and participation for another month! Every day doing Mathletics just 10 minutes really helps learning styles and factual information about all types of Numeracy skills.
On Monday we were able to enjoy a visit to the toy museum in Armagh. This gave us an interesting insight into the difference between old toys and new toys. We were able to play with all of the old toys on offer and even make some of our own.
Today we had Mrs Shields in for a visit to show us all of the old toys she had at home. The children really loved hearing about all of the different toys and comparing them to the ones we have now.
The boys and girls had a wonderful afternoon using bulbs, switches, wires, batteries, bulb holders and battery holders. They had to use the equipment to build circuits and test to see if the circuits were complete or incomplete. Lots of fun was had trying to get the lightbulbs to light up.
Our new topic this term is Bears and we were able to write down some facts we already knew on our KWL grid. We then discussed what new information we would like to know bears. The first two bears we looked at closely were the Panda and the Polar bear. We wrote about the Panda bear and displayed our work in the corridor for everyone to see.
We can’t wait to learn more facts about the other six species of bears. Have a look at our work so far, we are so proud of it!
The children recently explored tessellation during Numeracy. They used the template of a lizard to create a wonderful tessellating pattern. Well done P6!
Following our reconstitution, our new Chairperson is Mrs Heather Mallagh-Cassells and our Vice-Chairperson is Rev Darrin Thompson.
Our governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection is Mrs Clare Proctor.
We explored symmetry using a range of resources - can you tell which side we mirrored? We also used IZAK9 to investigate number sequences, even and odd numbers and we have to work as a team to find totals and problem solve.
We are brilliant mathematicians!
This week we have also completed our artistic 'Winter' display by using twigs and branches to create 3D trees. We are so creative!
We also started our new WAU topic - Pirates!
Have a look at the fun we had...
Mrs White and the School Council came to our assembly today, to remind us of the importance of coming to school every day.
Be a HERO - H is for Here. E is for Every day. R is for Ready for School. O is for On time.
We made a model lung today, to demonstrate how we breathe and how the diaphragm helps the lungs work.🫁
At the start, we were given the equipment needed, but no instructions!
A lot of discussion took place, as well as using our thinking skills and personal capabilities!
Our new topic for term 2 is ‘Toys’. This week we have been talking about our favourite toys. Our P1 boys and girls were given the opportunity to bring their favourite toy into school today. Firstly, we enjoyed a circle time, where each child had the opportunity to name and describe their favourite toy and tell the class why it was their favourite. Then we used our toys to complete a sorting task for different criteria, such as hard/soft, big/small, noisy/quiet. After break, we enjoyed completing an observational drawing of our toys. We also discussed how their choice of toys has changed as they have grown from a baby to a child, and why this might be.
We had an amazing fun day with arts & crafts, reindeer food, elf-ercise and so much more.