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Hart Memorial Primary School, Portadown

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3rd Jun 2024

The third and last day of our school trip was another succesful one. After our breakfast we headed outside to the big, open field at the front. Here we had both archery and frisbee golf set up. After throwing our frisbees and pretending to be Robin Hood, it was time for wall climbing! This all went really well and led us to our last lunch in Tanagh. And as we loaded up the bags, said our goodbyes and got in our seats ... the sun came out.

3rd Jun 2024
We had a fun morning at our Sports Day! Have a look at all the photographs of us enjoying ourselves and trying our best 😊.
Well done to our class winners, Bella, Gloria, Gracia & JD 🥇 🥈 🥉 
2nd Jun 2024
Following negotiations until late on yesterday, Saturday, Monday's strike has been called off.
School will now open as normal for all pupils.
School dinners will also be provided, however, the menu may not be as published on the website and your child may want to bring a packed lunch instead.
Clubs which were due to be moved to Wednesday will now be on tomorrow.
Thank you.
31st May 2024
What a lovely morning we had at the park. Last month, we went to Oxford Island, exploring the forest and played in the playpark. Today we went to People's Park. We had lots of fun- climbing, balancing, running and swinging. The children were full of chat about our adventure when we returned to Nursery. 
31st May 2024

This month, Irwin’s treated us to a selection of delicious breads. We enjoyed discussing and exploring the different textures and smells. They were all so tasty! Then, we became bread experts, writing non chronological reports about bread from around the world! iPads and highlighters were used to assist with our research. In music, we got creative with Chrome Music Maker,  making songs to go with our very catchy bread song! In art, we explored with watercolours learning new techniques. In numeracy, we were busy problem solving and loved using mirrors to assist us with symmetry. As usual, we had loads of fun celebrating Mathletics, birthdays and Walk to School Week. Check out our photos to see all the fun we had. 

31st May 2024

Congratulations to all our Teacher Certificate, Mathletics Certificates and  Walk to School Week winners. A special word of congratulations to Oscar and Ollie who are now on Epic level in Mathletics and well on their way to becoming legends. 

31st May 2024
What a lovely morning we had at the park. 😊
31st May 2024

Our final morning was spent on the climbing wall, archery and playing frisbee golf.
We have had a fantastic time and the Tanagh staff and leaders have been fantastic!

We are hoping everyone is ready for an early night tonight😴😴. We certainly are! 😅

30th May 2024
Another great day on our residential. This morning, we went canoeing and enjoyed toasted marshmallows over a campfire in the forest. After lunch, we took part in electronic orienteering and Battlezone Archery where the children got their revenge on us for all the homework through the year!! After dinner this evening, the children (and adults!!) put their singing skills to the test in karaoke before doing a spot of pond dipping!
30th May 2024

Day 2 in Tanagh, another day full of fun even though the sun didn't always show up. We went orienteering and had a battle with bow and arrow. We ate some lovely goujons for lunch. After, we took to the water again to go canoeing. Cold water did not bother our P7L! After dinner we went outside to explore the local forests and see what plants and bugs we could find. We finished the night with some karaoke. Another great day with some (very) tired pupils.