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Hart Memorial Primary School, Portadown, Craigavon Co Armagh


Hello and Welcome to P1AE - Mrs Agnew and Mrs Eakin

We hope you enjoy looking at all the fun activities we get up to in P1AE.



22nd Oct 2024

After our observational drawing of apples on Friday we had the opportunity to taste some cooking apples to see how they are different from the apples we eat at snack time. The children also helped to stew the apple and some of us were even brave enough to try some of the stewed apple on a biscuit. 

Today we were able to sequence the pictures in the correct order to recall how we made our apple treat.  The children also labelled their pictures by following along with the sounds as they were written on the board.

18th Oct 2024
This week, we have been painting apples. We began by picking an apple each and studying it closely, observing the different shades of colour we could see and any marks or bumps. We then set to work using our paints to recreate what we had observed. 
15th Oct 2024

A beautiful crisp Autumnal day meant that we were able to get out for a lovely Autumn walk.  We discussed the signs of Autumn and what to watch out for before we set off.  We took clipboards and alongside a partner ticked off what we could see. 

When we were back in the classroom we discussed the items we did not tick off on our checklist. While we did not see any squirrels it does not mean they don’t come out more during Autumn.

11th Oct 2024

Over the last few weeks we have enjoyed lots of practical literacy and numeracy activities to help us develop our knowledge of sounds and our concept of numbers, shapes, size and sorting.

11th Oct 2024

Have a look at our amazing autumn trees. We used rollers to paint our background, then following our numeracy lesson on ‘thick and thin’, we explored using varying thicknesses of paintbrush to paint our tree trunk, branches and twigs. To finish, we used autumn colours to print our autumn leaves with spools and corks. 

11th Oct 2024
We have been learning all about the letter ‘p’ in P1 this week and so, our literacy has been party themed. We have been busy writing invitations, making party lists, making party hats, placemats and biscuits and talking about the significance of our birthdays in our World Around Us lessons. To finish off our week, we had a class party with yummy party food and we played fun party games like pass the parcel.
10th Oct 2024

Today was ‘World Porridge Day’. This ties in very nicely with ‘p’ being our sound of the week. As part of our Global learning lessons, we were looking at world hunger. So, as well as celebrating World porridge day, we wanted to do something to help other children in the world who are going hungry. We decided to raise money through our porridge party to donate to a charity called Mary’s meals, with the aim of feeding a child in Malawi or Zambia one meal per school day for a year. 

17th Sep 2024
We have been having some really lovely weather in September, so we have been outside for Healthy Kidz, outdoor play and some outdoor learning.