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Hart Memorial Primary School, Portadown

Latest News - P5P

10th May 2024

We were very fortunate to have Laurence form Hope Community Church to lead our assembly today. He spoke about the importance of having a positive mindset, facing our fears and having confidence in ourselves. We really enjoyed his singing!

3rd May 2024

We were very fortunate to have the Reverend Orr come to speak to us again today in assembly. He has reached ‘E’ in the alphabet of messages and today he spoke about Earth and Eyes. 

He told us the story of Jesus healing a blind man using mud and saliva.

We sang ‘Our God is so big’.

2nd May 2024

On Wednesday 1st May, Hart Memorial PS and Presentation PS showcased the work they have completed throughout the academic year in Shared Education through an event held in the Millennium Court in Portadown. Parents, children, governors and Principals from both schools came to this wonderful event. A lovely sense of community was felt throughout the day. 

Displays of the work children have completed this academic year from P1 to P7 were on show. Hart Memorial PS and Presentation PS have been taking part in Shared Education lessons for over 25 years and bonds are as strong as ever between the two schools. This could clearly be seen from the work and photographs that were on display for everyone to see.

Both schools would like to thank the following for their help and support last year and this year -

  • Bethany and her amazing team from Oasis Youth came to school and hosted a workshop and from this lots of children from both schools enjoy going to the afterschool clubs they offer.
  • Healthy Kidz staff are always on hand to help the children celebrate all the work that has been completed during Shared Education lessons. They host a fun day at the Peoples Park for P4 to P7 children and a fun morning for the P1 to P3 children; during the month of June.
  • Currently the P6 children from Hart Memorial PS and Presentation PS, are taking part in a basketball project run by PeacePlayers. Alex made contact with school at the start of the year and has organised 4 weeks of basketball workshops. The boys and girls are having a great time learning lots of new skills.
  • The Millennium Court in Portadown allowed the schools to use their amazing building to host the event. A huge thank you from both schools for allowing this.
  • Also, a big thanks to Tesco in Portadown for the tea, coffee, milk and biscuits that were supplied by them and used during the event.
29th Apr 2024
Dr Deborah Webster from Thrive Academy delivered a very important workshop on digital awareness to both P5 Classes. Concentrating mainly on using devices properly and responsibly, this was a very important message for all of us. Thank you, Thrive Academy!
19th Apr 2024
Miss Croskery led our assembly today. She talked about the importance of being kind and how we can ‘colour our world with kindness’. 
18th Apr 2024

We were very privileged to have Stuart Reid in school to speak at the KS2 assembly. Stuart motivated everyone with his enthusiasm for reading books and writing creatively. The children had so much fun, whilst also gaining superb knowledge from our visitor.

15th Apr 2024
Thanks to Mrs Kinghan from the ICT Team, who gave P5P a detailed Tutorial on using GarageBand. The boys and girls enjoyed composing and creating their own Music. 
12th Apr 2024

Our principal, Mr Frizzell led our assembly today. He brought a cake along but got a surprise when he cut into it! We realised that what is inside is very important.  

He spoke about the word ‘integrity’ and the importance of having a strong sense of honesty.

We sang a lovely new song, Store up good in your heart. 

25th Mar 2024

Please find a list of Healthy Kidz clubs for next term.

After Easter, Drama club will continue as normal; however, only pupils who have attended Drama Club up until now can attend as parts have been given for performances.

22nd Mar 2024
We were invited to a lovely Easter assembly led by Canon Adair and our school choir. Canon Adair reminded us of the important message of Easter and the choir sang 3 pieces for us. They sounded super! 🎶🎵😊