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Hart Memorial Primary School, Portadown

Latest News - Shared Education

2nd May 2024

On Wednesday 1st May, Hart Memorial PS and Presentation PS showcased the work they have completed throughout the academic year in Shared Education through an event held in the Millennium Court in Portadown. Parents, children, governors and Principals from both schools came to this wonderful event. A lovely sense of community was felt throughout the day. 

Displays of the work children have completed this academic year from P1 to P7 were on show. Hart Memorial PS and Presentation PS have been taking part in Shared Education lessons for over 25 years and bonds are as strong as ever between the two schools. This could clearly be seen from the work and photographs that were on display for everyone to see.

Both schools would like to thank the following for their help and support last year and this year -

  • Bethany and her amazing team from Oasis Youth came to school and hosted a workshop and from this lots of children from both schools enjoy going to the afterschool clubs they offer.
  • Healthy Kidz staff are always on hand to help the children celebrate all the work that has been completed during Shared Education lessons. They host a fun day at the Peoples Park for P4 to P7 children and a fun morning for the P1 to P3 children; during the month of June.
  • Currently the P6 children from Hart Memorial PS and Presentation PS, are taking part in a basketball project run by PeacePlayers. Alex made contact with school at the start of the year and has organised 4 weeks of basketball workshops. The boys and girls are having a great time learning lots of new skills.
  • The Millennium Court in Portadown allowed the schools to use their amazing building to host the event. A huge thank you from both schools for allowing this.
  • Also, a big thanks to Tesco in Portadown for the tea, coffee, milk and biscuits that were supplied by them and used during the event.
2nd Feb 2024
It was our first time going to Presentation Primary School and we were so excited! P3WA had a fantastic time reacquainting themselves with the P3 children at Presentation. We played games to find out a little more about each other, we watched the story of ‘The Three little Pigs’ and took part in a carousel of activities related to the story and we learnt a song that included some fantastic air guitar performances!
26th Jan 2024
We travelled to Presentation PS this week to meet us with our friends once again. We started with ‘Find a Friend Bingo’ before heading to the classroom to learn about the experiences of Evacuees in WW2.  The children ‘packed’ their suitcases, made Evacuee figures and listened to music from the Glenn Millar Band. We finished off with a parachute game. We have enjoyed our Shared Education sessions this term and look forward to meeting up with our new friends again in Term 3.
7th Jun 2023
7th Jun 2023

Today we walked to the People’s Park to join with our friends  from Presentation PS once again for a fun day. We enjoyed many activities including dance, rugby and basketball. We also went for a walk and Emily found a fairy door. We had a great day.

26th Jan 2023

We welcomed our friends from Presentation again this week for our third, and sadly, last Shared Education lesson this week. Continuing with our theme of WW2, our topic was ‘Evacuation’ and the children learnt about why and how children were evacuated, their thoughts and feeling about this and how their lives changed. They wrote fabulous acrostic poems and finished off by making evacuee figures to take home. The children thoroughly enjoyed this lesson and are looking forward to meeting up with their new friends again, hopefully in the not too distant future. 

19th Jan 2023

We welcomed our friends from a Presentation for our second Shared Education lesson. This week we learnt about air raids and  the Belfast Blitz. We also constructed our own Anderson Shelters. We worked together really well and had lots of fun.

11th Jan 2023

This morning we welcomed our friends from Presentation PS for our first Shared Education day. Our lessons will be based on our WAU topic WW2. After playing some ‘Getting to know you’ games, we discussed and shared what we already know and what we’d like to learn about WW2. Then we did some research to complete a timeline. We finished off with story time and some singing. We all had a great day.

15th Dec 2022

This morning the members of the choir went to Tesco in Portadown to sing with our friends from Presentation. We sounded great.

5th Oct 2022

Today, P7L welcomed Presentation Primary School with open arms. First we all got to know eachother by playing a (very funny) Bingo game. After that, we got to work on learning about 'algorithms' and 'programs'.

After some well deserved lunch, we followed our own step-by-step guide on how to fold a paper aeroplane. We obviously had to put these paper machines to the test in the hall, seeing which one would float the furthest.

A very succesful and fun, first day. See you again next Wednesday.