Access Keys:

Hart Memorial Primary School, Portadown


Welcome to P2LM!

The teachers are Mrs Lee and Mrs McClelland. 
We all hope you enjoy looking through all we get up to in our class!



28th Jun 2024
On Monday 24th June we held our P1-4 prize giving. 

We had a great morning celebrating various achievements in P1-4.

Well done to all of our winners.  
28th Jun 2024

Please find the uniform for September 2024.


Our school uniform can be purchased from local suppliers including, C&G Embroidery, Jamesons and Davidsons. Please ensure that all items of clothing have the pupil’s name.

The uniform is the same for both boys and girls:

Round-neck/V-neck school jumper with the logo

Black tracksuit bottoms (sweatshirt material with cuffed legs)

Please note, bottoms must be plain black and should not have any branding or lines, except the school logo, if desired.

Bottoms with the school logo can be purchased from C&G Embroidery.

Yellow polo t-shirt with logo

Plain Black trainers

V-neck jumpers are acceptable as some shops still have stock of these.

25th Jun 2024
Well done to our P2s 🎉🎉🎉🎉
25th Jun 2024
Please see a letter regarding the end of this school and the beginning of the next.

Thank you.  
21st Jun 2024
P2 loved showing off their dance moves today at the disco!! 💃 
19th Jun 2024
A staff member and a member of the public have highlighted some pupils who they have noticed crossing the road in an unsafe way.
The roads around school are very busy at home times and there are lost of things which can distract drivers.  It is vitally important that pupils do not add to this.
Please look at the following poster and discuss it with your child.

Remember, stop, look and listen! 
13th Jun 2024
P2 had a great sports day, and thankfully it stayed dry!! We all had great fun 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️
12th Jun 2024
We had a super day with our friends from Presentation Primary School at the Shared Education Fun Day. We had a session with Coach Steve, had fun on the inflatables and had a Zumba session with Sophia. We also had a choice of getting a tattoo or our face painted. We ended it all with a delicious lolly!
5th Jun 2024
The two P2 classes joined together for outdoor play today. We had great fun with lots of learning😊
22nd May 2024
We went outside this afternoon to practise using the lights to cross the road safely as one of our Walk to School Week activities.

We remembered to stop, look and listen even after the green man shows before crossing and we must never run across the road!  
9th May 2024

We compared different containers to see which held more, less and the most. 

We also estimated, then measured how many cups it would take to fill different containers. 

No one got too wet!

2nd May 2024

On Wednesday 1st May, Hart Memorial PS and Presentation PS showcased the work they have completed throughout the academic year in Shared Education through an event held in the Millennium Court in Portadown. Parents, children, governors and Principals from both schools came to this wonderful event. A lovely sense of community was felt throughout the day. 

Displays of the work children have completed this academic year from P1 to P7 were on show. Hart Memorial PS and Presentation PS have been taking part in Shared Education lessons for over 25 years and bonds are as strong as ever between the two schools. This could clearly be seen from the work and photographs that were on display for everyone to see.

Both schools would like to thank the following for their help and support last year and this year -

  • Bethany and her amazing team from Oasis Youth came to school and hosted a workshop and from this lots of children from both schools enjoy going to the afterschool clubs they offer.
  • Healthy Kidz staff are always on hand to help the children celebrate all the work that has been completed during Shared Education lessons. They host a fun day at the Peoples Park for P4 to P7 children and a fun morning for the P1 to P3 children; during the month of June.
  • Currently the P6 children from Hart Memorial PS and Presentation PS, are taking part in a basketball project run by PeacePlayers. Alex made contact with school at the start of the year and has organised 4 weeks of basketball workshops. The boys and girls are having a great time learning lots of new skills.
  • The Millennium Court in Portadown allowed the schools to use their amazing building to host the event. A huge thank you from both schools for allowing this.
  • Also, a big thanks to Tesco in Portadown for the tea, coffee, milk and biscuits that were supplied by them and used during the event.
25th Apr 2024
We all had great fun on our P2 trip! We played lots of fun games and watched the Eddy the Teddy show at the Armagh Theatre.
24th Apr 2024

We went outside today in the sunshine to do a traffic survey, as part of our topic of Transport. 

We saw a lot of cars, a few lorries and 2 motorbikes. We were disappointed we didn’t see any buses or bikes!

It was so exciting and we even got a toot of the horn from some motorists!!

10th Apr 2024
We have been learning all about the lifecycle of the frog this week. We went out to the school pond and found some tadpoles. We will wait and go out again in a few weeks to see if the tadpoles have changed!