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Hart Memorial Primary School, Portadown

Latest News

9th Dec 2020

The children have had lots of fun printing and sticking while making their Snow Globes.

9th Dec 2020

We made fantastic elves in P2😁

9th Dec 2020

P2LM decorated and wrote Christmas cards for the local Care Homes. We wanted to wish all residents and staff a Happy Christmas and we hope everyone enjoys our greetings! 🎄🎄🎄

9th Dec 2020

P6 had lots of fun making their snow-globes. They enjoyed creating and painting a winter scene. 

8th Dec 2020
8th Dec 2020

Rockin’ Robins😊

4th Dec 2020

The children were asked to design and make a Christmas Stocking. Today they were delighted to showcase their fantastic creative talents. Amazing stockings boys and girls, well done.

4th Dec 2020

P7T enjoyed completing their drawings of the outline of human bodies for the upcoming Art project. Great job 🙂

4th Dec 2020

We have had lots of fun this month learning about bears and really enjoyed the stories “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and “We’re going on a Bear Hunt”. We turned our role play area into the Three Bear’s Cottage and made porridge for our snack, which was “just right”, just like baby bears. We also had a bid adventure when we went on our very own bear hunt and we even found a friendly cuddly bear! 
we made wheaten bread, learnt about big, middle sized and small and lots more. Have a look to see what fun we have had! 

4th Dec 2020

The children worked in small groups to problem solve using the Izak 9 Numeracy resource.