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Hart Memorial Primary School, Portadown

Latest News

2nd Dec 2020

David came in from Sentinus this morning to help us learn more about the weather.  The children thoroughly enjoyed making their cloud rain blue raindrops.  Before he left, he showed the children how to make lightning with a balloon, their hair and a bulb.  It really was a very educational and exciting morning, enhancing our WAU topic of weather.  

2nd Dec 2020

Congratulations to our two November stars! Oliwia and Evie have both been trying so hard and concentrating in class. They have both produced excellent pieces of work throughout the month of November. Well done girls!

1st Dec 2020

Tuesday 1st December was a day of celebration in our class. We had November certificate winners, November Good to be Green raffle winners and Mathletics winners. Well done to you all!!

1st Dec 2020

Well done to our hard-working Certificate winners😊

1st Dec 2020

P2LM enjoyed an excellent session of a Healthy Kidz on a beautiful day! We worked on increasing our speed, stamina and improving our hand/eye co-ordination. Look at the smiles😊

1st Dec 2020

Well done to the children who achieved certificates.  Congratulations to Bobby who won a prize from the Good to be Green raffle.  

1st Dec 2020

P4S have been researching facts about the Puffin bird today as a part of their World Around Us work

1st Dec 2020

P3 made the most beautiful snowmen Christmas cards. 

30th Nov 2020

P3T have been amazingly talented in Mathletics and class targets.  The children have been showing acts of kindness, trying to score the highest Mathletics points and having excellent listening skills all month! Just look at how many children were awarded in November.  Well done P3T 👏👏👏👏😀