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Hart Memorial Primary School, Portadown, Craigavon Co Armagh

Latest News

31st Jan 2020

P3F were fantastic at preforming their Pirate assembly this morning. Well done Me Hearties! 


31st Jan 2020

We have been using Izak 9 as part of our Numeracy work. We have to work together to try and solve a range of number problems. 

30th Jan 2020

What a busy day dressing up in black and white and making melted snowmen!

30th Jan 2020
30th Jan 2020

We had great fun talking about our favourite bears!!!

29th Jan 2020

P5DK had great fun trying to work out which conductors changed the brightness of the bulb. First of all they had to understand the difference between an insulator and a conductor. After that, they all learnt how to build a circuit using wires, bulb, bulb holder, batteries and battery holder. Finally, they used a variety of different conductors in the circuit to see if they affected the brightness of the bulb. Here are some photos to see then in action.  

29th Jan 2020

Mrs McClelland brought Morgan, Bert and Ted to visit. We wrote some excellent sentences describing them.

29th Jan 2020

Over the last couple of months, P7MM have been learning about the Titanic. We discussed how many, many people lost their lives in the water after the Titanic hit the iceberg and decided to investigate how our body temperature affects our ability to carry out simple tasks such as writing a sentence, building Lego and placing pegs on a peg board by completing these tasks before and after submerging our hands in ice cold water for two minutes. We also tracked our heart rate. We had great fun doing this as you can see from the photos and the results showed us that, apart from the odd anomaly, most of us found it much more difficult to carry out these tasks after having our hands in cold water.

29th Jan 2020

P7T did a fantastic job planning and making some very interesting comics based on the sinking of the Titanic. Great job.