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Hart Memorial Primary School, Portadown, Craigavon Co Armagh

Latest News - Eco Schools

23rd Nov 2022

This week it is our turn to litter pick around the school grounds so we headed out this afternoon. It was fun to use the litter picking sticks so the children were actually disappointed to find such a small amount of rubbish in our school grounds, just the odd tissue and bit of plastic. Well done Hart Memorial pupils for keeping our school grounds so clean and tidy.

17th Nov 2022

Well done to the eco members who took key stage 1 assembly today. They shared our targets for this year and how we can achieve them. 

Our targets: 



Outdoor learning 


27th Sep 2022

Thank you to Pat from NI Water who kindly left a refillable water bottle for every child. 

The eco council were busy sorting and delivering them to each classroom on Friday afternoon. 


16th Sep 2022

Our new Eco Committee👏⭐️ 

Although our eco committee members will play a vital role in helping our school renew our Eco Schools Green Flag again this year, we cannot achieve this goal without the help of our whole school community.

Let's all get involved together and help care for the world around us!! 

24th Jun 2022

Thank you to Daniel McGrath from els primary products for a free box of reusable glue sticks.😊


8th Jun 2022

Hart Memorial Primary School received their green flag from Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful. 

The eco committee and the whole school have worked so hard this year focusing on our 3 main topics: litter, biodiversity and healthy living. 

Well done everyone for all their hard work!! 😊

28th Apr 2022

On Friday 8th April we took part in the ‘Wear Green Be Green’ fundraiser to raise money for new recycling bins and insect houses for our Wildlife area.

We raised an amazing £300🤩

28th Apr 2022

P3H have been busy collecting litter on our school grounds. 

28th Mar 2022

Throughout the school each class has a energy monitor and eco warriors.
💡Energy monitor is in charge of turning off and on the lights. 
♻️ Eco Warriors are in charge of emptying their classes recycling bin into one of the large green bins around the school. 


3rd Mar 2022

We have placed 4 large green bins around the school for each class to empty their recycling waste into. 
Each class has 2 eco-warriors who are responsible to do this everyday.