Latest News - P7MM
Mrs White and the School Council came to our assembly today, to remind us of the importance of coming to school every day.
Be a HERO - H is for Here. E is for Every day. R is for Ready for School. O is for On time.
We made a model lung today, to demonstrate how we breathe and how the diaphragm helps the lungs work.🫁
At the start, we were given the equipment needed, but no instructions!
A lot of discussion took place, as well as using our thinking skills and personal capabilities!
Congratulations to Danny on reaching his Accelerated Reader Target for this half term.📖
Kasparas was our FFFB winner 🐸
Mis Madill didn’t want the packed lunch pupils to miss out on the festivities on Christmas Dinner Day, so she organised a treat for them as they ate!
Congratulations to Sally and Freddie on reaching their Accelerated Reading target. 📖
We were treated to a fantastic Christmas-themed puppet show this morning, put on by the after-school puppetry club.
We were so proud of Robyn, from our class 🎉⭐️